Chapter 7

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Viktor Rogozhkin


Ancient philosophers used to say that "in beginning was the Word ". Thinkers successive have been insisted that a deed was the original thing. But all these disputes are of no sense because both a thoughtform and a thought image are categories of different metric spaces. The word transforms a thought image into a thoughtform and launches the thoughtform into materialization.

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1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 [1 Голос]
Viktor Rogozhkin


As it now seems, the unknown "creators" of the System have had, in due time, enough of it: what turned then out happened far from their original project. Just like children - played a little and dropped a toy. Nevertheless, left in the hands of fate, the System was not due to die along with earthen residents whose civilization was only a fragment of primordial grandiose scheme. You certainly remember that other civilizations have also become not more than an instrument for the System.

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1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 [1 Голос]
Viktor Rogozhkin



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1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 [1 Голос]
Viktor Rogozhkin


There is one more "cheerful" magic rite - a wedding. To inculcate it, the System was forced to create a monetary system on the Earth, passed to us by our "elder cosmic brothers".

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