From time to time, even experienced enio corrector cannot restrain himself from violation of the important principle: "Not in any way can you identify things with any person". Let's take to pict. 66.
In our life, we go as if along a corridor which walls are as if a condenser plates of a high voltage. Moving along the corridor's center, you are protected against electrical blow by the air being an isolator. Coming closer to any of walls, you may be blown, and, the closer to a wall you are the stronger will the blows be. Hang, now, on the walls the portraits of your surroundings: your wife or husband, your children, chief, your city's mayor, your president, and so on. You may involuntarily come closer to a wall, adding to this that a corridor itself may not be straight because of some karmic causes, and may possess narrowings and turns. Just in such of these narrowings a karmic repayment has occurred, and right in this very moment you see your chief's portrait in front of you. If you cry, "What for, you scoundrel?!" and come closer, a stronger blow follows, and the cycle repeats. You should better to understand that it is not your chief who blows, but, the System, returning your karmic mistakes. So you have either understand the mistakes or turn the whole System off. The first is a stiff task for many people, and the second is really impossible. Nevertheless, you may become as if transparent for the System's blows, if you understood your mistakes.
The patients' questions "Tell me, please, do I have a defacement and who did this to me?" are at least silly. It is absolutely of no importance, who, when, and how. And it is not the System who is guilty of a humanity silliness and greed; just on the contrary, those base human characteristics allowed the System to arise, exist, and successively cultivate these characteristics on the Earth. This is why Christ used to say, "Love your enemy..." (Matt 5,44). A man who did a bad thing to us has thereby shown us our own hidden shortcomings and karmic programs, in the first instance. By the way, the mistakes of inexperienced healer may allow a patient's karma to go onto such a healer. On the other hand, as to experienced healer, every patient points out to him his own analogous programs and mistakes; this is yet another cause why you should not take money for healing. Most likely the healer should pay the patient... Nevertheless, a possibility exists for the moment, to hear from even an experienced healer: "Such a filth he created to me yesterday..."
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