Chapter 13

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Viktor Rogozhkin


As the reader already knows, a correction consists of two main parts: (1) mental searching for all multi-dimensional causal-investigatory connections of a patient with regard to pathology he has, and (2) launching into materialization corresponding thoughtforms to correct situation(s). Hands being the biolasers are also usually being used to make a transition "thought image into thoughtform" more effective. In a process of our common talking, you know, gesticulation is constantly changing the parameters of a volumetric resonator - our own physical body. Hands also allow to sensorically reveal different negative programs in patients.

1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 [1 Голос]
1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 [1 Голос]
Viktor Rogozhkin


The reader must already comprehend that there is absolutely no difference whether a patient is right now beside of you or is he, for instance, in other galaxy. The correction is being accomplished through a patient’s phantome (i.e., his astral plane) while still photo and\or telephone call are only a synchronizing agent.

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1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 [1 Голос]
Viktor Rogozhkin


Was there a case in your life when your wife thinking of something outside made a dish oversalted, and when you point her out the dish happened OK? Everyone should necessarily be under the tests of such a kind, in their different variants. The mental plane is examining through this whether you can, for example, teleportate the excessive salt into its original deposit and, then, to reflect upon this in order to understand a way it happened.

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1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 [1 Голос]
Viktor Rogozhkin


"The human consciousness is able to influence upon a human behavior and weather; i.e., the consciousness is an active agent in process of formation of physical reality. At this, the peculiarity of a collective consciousness will be significantly amplified abilities of any sorcerer or a psychist. Ever more scientists are being agreed that consciousness is a physical agent able to effect natural processes. This is also being put in connection with an increase in seismic activity and natural cataclysms. Russian physicists Anatol Y. Akimoff and Vladimir N. Binga believe that individual consciousness is able to change a spatio-temporal structure, i.e., exist as a torsion phantom."

1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 [1 Голос]
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